Terms from the field of POS, cash register and payment systems simply explained

E-Bon/digital receipt, cash book, TSE ... in the world of POS, cash register solutions and payment systems there are numerous vocabulary, terms and foreign words. We want to shed some light and explain these terms to you in a simple way. Have fun with your studying!


A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z




API is the abbreviation for "Application Programming Interface". An API is therefore an interface: It connects software and hardware components, applications, hard drives or user interfaces. The poe uses this to have an interface between our TRADEMAN and a third-party system.


Tax audit

As part of a tax audit (external audit), the circumstances of a taxpayer are determined, checked and assessed. Tax audits are carried out by the tax office and their responsible tax audit offices. During an audit, the tax office checks whether you are doing your bookkeeping correctly.



E-commerce is referred to as electronic commerce, which translates to nothing more than electronic retail. Electronic commerce takes place on the Internet (www), although no distinction is made here between the classic and mobile Internet. E-commerce is electronic commerce that is carried out from a computer, smartphone or tablet and not only means the sales process as such, but also the things that go with it - such as service, payment process, etc.


ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning and is defined as a system that automates and manages business processes in at least one of finance, manufacturing, sales, supply chain, human resources, and operations. ERP systems help executives gain insights, streamline operations, and improve decision-making by breaking down data silos and integrating information between different departments.


Financial accounting software

Financial accounting software enables the EDP-side representation of the financial accounting. Financial accounting or management is part of business accounting.


Franchising is a partnership-based distribution system that allows new entrepreneurs to use an established business concept for a fee. The term franchise describes a cooperative sales system between an existing company - the franchisor - and one or more company founders - the franchisees. The franchisor grants its cooperation partners the right to use the business concept it has developed on the basis of a franchise agreement.

Well-known examples of this are fast food chains such as McDonalds or Burger King.


Giro card

Giro card - is a name and a logo for the two proven debit card payment systems of the German banking industry:

  • PIN-supported payment in retail ("electronic cash system") and
  • obtaining cash from ATMs in Germany (“German ATM system”).

The GiroCard system is based on the Contact EMV standard and can only be used in Germany, which is why the cards can have a so-called co-badging with Maestro (Mastercard) or V Pay (Visa). Only then is it possible to pay outside of Germany.

Colloquially but incorrectly, the Girocard is still called EC card like its predecessor, which stood for electronic cash card or for its predecessor the Eurocheque card.


The abbreviation GoBD stands for "Principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access", which is an administrative instruction from the Federal Ministry of Finance of the Federal Republic of Germany.



HS code stands for "Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System". This is a list of numbers used by customs authorities to classify a product.



IDEA is mainly used in the context of external audits to analyze data that the tax authorities may access in accordance with the "Principles for the proper management and storage of books, records and documents in electronic form and for data access" (GoBD).


In accounting, the inventory is the inventory of assets and liabilities on a specific date, usually at the end of a financial year. All inventories are recorded and evaluated on the basis of counts.


(Cash-) Journal

The cash journal is the basis for any evaluation of fiscal data. The cash book, for example, is created from the data recorded in the journal. Data that does not relate to the cash book is also written to the journal, such as drawer openings, broken receipts, registrations by cashiers or salespeople, selected reasons for income or expenses and much more. The journal is a summary of all cash register transactions.


Cash book

In accounting, the cash book is a general ledger that contains all cash payment transactions (cash payments, cash payments, deposits and withdrawals) of a company and is used to determine the cash balance.

Cash check

The cash check describes the close out of a cash register and a count of the current cash actual stock. You could also replace the word with cash count.


Office Management Solution

An office management solution means a very simplified type of utility program for writing invoices. No goods movements are recorded here or master data such as articles and prices are maintained. It is a software solution that, in the simplest sense, can only be used to write invoices.



Peripherals are hardware components (accessories) in addition to the POS hardware. The (cash register) peripherals include, for example, receipt printers, handheld or table scanners, customer displays, cash drawers, etc.


POS means "Point of Sale" which translates as "place of sale". This means the checkout area or cash desk, the place where all the hardware for the sales process is set up.



POSMAN® is the name of our self-developed POS software solution. We abbreviate our POSMAN® with PM.



Especially if you are a customer of ours, you will often come across the abbreviation SNV. This is the german abbreviation for Software Usage Agreement, which we use to bill you for your software licenses on a monthly basis.


Cash register daily closing

The daily closing is a closing to be created by the cash register on each posting and payment day, which determines the actual cash balance and the target cash balance. On our system, this is available in a provisional and final version. The provisional daily closing (also called x-closing) can be repeated as often as you like and is not fixed. It is purely for control. The final daily closing (also called z-closing) can no longer be changed after booking.


TRADEMAN® is the name of our own ERP and merchandise management software solution. We often abbreviate our TRADEMAN with TM, so if you read TM somewhere, we mean our trade all-rounder.


A technical security device (TSE) is a security module in electronic cash registers that is used for the complete and unchangeable recording of all cash register processes. The term comes from the German Kassensicherungsverordnung (KassenSichV), which requires the complete, unchanged and tamper-proof storage of business transactions and some other processes.


The tsm is new in our product range and stands for TRADEMAN Service Manager. This is the successor to FilialManagers, which will be successively replaced by tsm.



Web shop or online shop: Designation for an online presence for the sale of goods or services over the Internet. Web shops are of increasing importance for the sale of many products.

Merchandise Management System

A merchandise management system is an IT application system. In business administration, the term "merchandise management system" is understood to mean the quantitative and value-based mapping and control of the flow of goods in a trading company. Several areas of a company work with the merchandise management system.

The merchandise management system supports all trading processes in procurement, warehousing and sales.



ZVT is an german abbreviation and stands for Payment Terminal. This refers to the popularly known EC devices that can be used to make cashless payments at almost any POS.

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