TRADEMAN is rightly named because it is the partner for all requirements in chain stores.
Depending on your requirements, TRADEMAN can be used as an integrated tool between your ERP and our POS systems to manage all necessary information and data in real time. Should you not be able to provide all the data from your existing infrastructure, TRADEMANdata and TRADEMANretail are two further boosters available to you. You decide where and to what extent we can complement you - we simply scale the appropriate TRADEMAN.
Whether in the cloud or in your network - TRADEMAN cuts a fine figure in any deployment scenario.
TRADEMANretail is an ERP and merchandise management system specially developed for chain stores. But that's not all! In addition to the necessary functions of a merchandise management system - such as purchasing, sales, warehouse management, master data management, employee management and many other topics - TRADEMANretail shines with its central management for all topics related to branches, cash registers and goods movement...
...especially when you expect more than the "usual standard", we are your partner with TRADEMANretail. Our special ability is to implement your individual strengths in our software solutions and to achieve maximum automation.
No matter whether it's about the simple design of your templates and receipts, special statistics and functions or completely new workflows: we will develop a solution for you - if we don't have one yet!
The Concurrent-User licence model offers you the option of flexibly scaling the number of users and operators required at any time. This means you only pay for the services you really need.
TRADEMANdata is the entry into a central cash register and branch management system. Whether as an independent master data management system or integrated into the existing ERP or merchandise management solution: with TRADEMANdata we give you the right tool for your requirements. Simply supplement the range of functions of your ERP or merchandise management solution with the management functions of a central till administration, your own voucher management or many other possibilities...
...You can operate TRADEMANdata locally in your network or - and this is exactly what it was designed for - in your cloud or ours.
The concurrent-user licensing model offers you the possibility to flexibly scale the number of required users and operators at any time. This way, you only pay for the services you really need.
tsm - has no Greek or Latin roots, it is an abbreviation and stands for TRADEMAN Service Manager. This is exactly what best describes its tasks and functions. It manages all synchronisations with other systems, regulates the temporally organised data transports, organises and controls all necessary services at certain times or for defined values and operates the external interfaces such as IDEA, Datev etc. tsm is our "gearbox" in the background...
...the entire configuration and operation of the tsm and its tasks is homogeneously embedded in the TRADEMAN user interface and is fully integrated into the "look and feel" of the application. For you, TRADEMAN and tsm are "one" system.
Its tasks are designed for maximum performance with the highest possible reliability.
With the TRADEMAN Add-On's you can easily make more out of your TRADEMAN and supplement it with the required additional functionalities...
...these can be easily activated and put into operation at any time. All add-ons are already delivered with the TRADEMAN licences and provided in the scope of services. Only the activation takes place via the necessary licence key, which you can of course request via the licence management and put into operation yourself.
Talking about flexibility is one thing - implementing it consistently is another.
You simply tell us which licences you need and to what extent. We will then simply make them available to you electronically. From then on, you can manage all TRADEMAN and POSMAN licences on your own.
If you need additional licences/modules or no longer need them, a simple request in your licence management is sufficient. In the background, the licence management then automatically requests the corresponding licence changes.
Especially when managing the TSE's (technical security devices at the POS systems) you need maximum flexibility to be able to exchange or change them on your own at any time. This is exactly what the poe licence management enables you to do!
Mit dem TRADEMANdatev Add-On können alle finanzbuchhaltungsrelevanten Daten und Vorgänge über eine Datev-Schnittstelle an eine nachgelagerte Finanzbuchhaltung (z.B. DATEV) übertragen werden. Die Erstellung der Datev-Exportdatei findet im tsm statt und kann individuell in der TRADEMAN-Dienstesteuerung eingerichtet werden.
Aktuell werden folgende Verfahren unterstützt:
API refers to a live communication interface that can be used from the TRADEMAN in any direction. It does not matter if third party systems request data from the TRADEMAN or the POSMAN systems or if the POSMAN cash register has to request/process certain functions live in third party systems. In this case, the centrally set up API is the data hub and describes the end points that are to be reached.
"Cascading" describes the combination of several TRADEMAN instances into a hierarchical or organisational network. In this, different information can be shared across systems and granular authorisation rules can be applied to them....
...For example, the master article assortment can be maintained in the central TRADEMAN and sent (distributed) to all TRADEMANs configured in the network. In addition, it can be defined in the receiving TRADEMAN whether the articles coming from the central TRADEMAN may be processed by the user or not. In addition, the TRADEMAN user at the subordinate TRADEMAN level can be allowed to create his own regional articles and maintain them himself. This applies not only to articles, of course, but to all master data in TRADEMAN.
With cascading, even highly complex organisational structures can be mapped while maintaining data separation and individual data sovereignty.
The whole thing is only made possible by the poe-System-Interconnector (PSI) in connection with the cascading database (CAS-DB).
The CAS-DB is the "central telephone book" of the communicating TRADEMAN systems and serves to store or manage the most important information concerning cascading. The CAS-DB exists only once in each interconnected system. It is used to configure the transport routes as well as the technical contents of the transports. Each TRADEMAN in this system still has its own database in which its "master and user data" are stored. In addition, the CAS-DB controls the key allocation across all TRADEMAN systems. For this purpose, each TRADEMAN communicates in the background with this database (see diagram - green arrows) and fetches the corresponding information, evaluates it and also stores it there again.
The PSI takes over the comparison and transmission of the data. This can be adjusted so that it only sends data (the blue arrows in the diagram) and does not have to receive any more. In order to synchronise such large amounts of data in real time, the PSI works directly on the database and is informed by triggers on the source database which data it should transfer and writes these directly to the target database. No inboxes or queues are used in the target system to accept the data, which results in a significant speed advantage.
And that's not all! In the target system, restrictions can be configured to prevent certain fields from being overwritten.
With TRADEMAN, we not only deliver one of the most modern ERP systems today, but also a multi-organisation talent!