Use Case: 150 Kassen in 9 Monaten
In nur 9 Monaten haben wir 150 Kassensysteme mit zentraler Management-Lösung bei einem unserer Kunden international zum Einsatz gebracht.
weiterlesenWith the development of our software products TRADEMAN and POSMAN in the areas of POS, store management and ERP, we have specialised in branch-based customers in national and international retail.
The central systems TRADEMAN & tsm are the platform for integrating our software solutions into your operating environment. Regardless of whether you want to use our software solutions as a complete solution (ERP/ branch and cash register management & POS) or modularly as an integral component (branch and cash register management & POS) in your existing ERP environment, we integrate ourselves homogeneously into your system environment and ideally complement your existing software solutions.
We want to use the strengths of the different systems and not operate competing products. We customise our software products exactly to your needs in order to enable maximum automation. Teamwork is one of our greatest strengths!
Reading is good, talking is better. We look forward to your questions and requirements.
Are you sure you haven't just been lucky so far? The topic of cybercrime has arrived in retail and has simply shut down one or two chain stores in recent weeks and months! Nothing works anymore, no logging on to the system, no cashing up, no movement of goods - standstill.
Only the message at all workplaces: "Pay an amount of... within the next 24 hours!"
The topic is red hot. To inform you, we recommend a really factual contribution from 3sat. In it, it becomes clear how real and close these attacks are, which symptoms and causes can lead to catastrophic circumstances and consequences of cyber attacks. Being locked out of your own network from one day to the next? This is not a nightmare - unfortunately, this is the reality of cyber attacks. You can find the link to the 3sat report at the end of the article.
We, as poe, are very well aware of the danger from the internet and have been able to gather experience that we are happy to pass on to others today. Not only because we have long been sensitised to such issues as a software manufacturer, but also because we ourselves have unfortunately been the victim of a cyber attack. We can make three crosses in the calendar that we were able to locate the unwanted intruder "early" enough and thus exclude it. We were infested by a hafnium which, according to forensic analysis, settled on our Exchange Server in early August and was only discovered at the end of October. So for months we had been infested by ransomware (malware) without even suspecting it. It was only through the attention of two customers and a questionable email that we became aware of the threat and were able to act. To cut a long story short - we were lucky in that we were able to avoid major damage to ourselves and our customers and completely remove the malware from our network - these attacks are closer than you think!
We used this "experience" and, with the help of data forensic experts, analysed very precisely to what extent our own software products TRADEMAN and POSMAN are safe from attacks.
Our own software solutions are among the most secure on the market! How do we arrive at that? Definitely not trivial.
As early as February 2020, we subjected our cloud-based ERP software TRADEMAN to professional penetration tests in order to be able to identify security risks at an early stage. The gaps are very often based on combinations of security vulnerabilities in operating systems, operating system-related services or superficial handling of data. Access to the system is made possible via these "vulnerabilities" and then distributed internally across all systems in the network.
Both TRADEMAN and POSMAN can be operated entirely on a Linux operating system platform. When using TRADEMAN in the cloud, we have been relying exclusively on the use of Linux-based systems for years, thus hermetically shielding the entire purchasing and sales workflow from all other processes without losing integration capability. For communication between our systems and third-party systems, we do not use standard services from other manufacturers, but exclusively our own communication products.With these, we can examine very precisely on the database level whether the data packages/data source really only contain usable information or risks.
Because of this way of working, we believe we can say that the communication between our software solutions is the most secure on the market! This diagram serves as an illustration.
Of course, the POS hardware is also nothing more than a PC connected to the internet. However, when using Linux operating systems, the POS systems can be reduced to what is really necessary and human risks can be largely eliminated. This also does not affect the performance range and possibilities of the systems.
We have been deliberately developing our POSMAN POS software to be multiplatform-capable for more than 15 years and today use it on the Windows, Linux, iOS and Android operating systems throughout Europe.
Why don't you let us check whether we can help you achieve a significantly higher level of security with our products and secure the sales processes of your products - no matter who is trying to distribute themselves in your network.
If you are interested, just give us a signal or send us an email to We treat this topic very confidentially.
Why don't you let us check whether we can help you achieve a significantly higher level of security with our products and secure the sales processes of your products - no matter who is trying to distribute themselves in your network.
If you are interested, just give us a signal or send us an email. We treat this topic very confidentially.
In nur 9 Monaten haben wir 150 Kassensysteme mit zentraler Management-Lösung bei einem unserer Kunden international zum Einsatz gebracht.
weiterlesenSo haben wir über 1000 Kassensysteme, verteilt auf ca. 250 Filialen, in eine vorhandene CRM- und Fibu-Lösung integriert und in Betrieb genommen werden.
weiterlesenWir integrieren unsere POSMAN Kassensoftware in bestehende Ticketsysteme, so dass Ticketverkäufe und Stornierungen einfach abwickelbar sind.